Simple mayonnaise, with a healthy twist

April 18th, 2017 Posted by Oregano essential oil, Recipes 0 thoughts on “Simple mayonnaise, with a healthy twist”
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Some time ago a friend told us that he enjoys a drop of our oregano essential oil added to mayonnaise into his sandwich.

We thought it was a great idea then, but it stayed in the back of our mind until we saw oliveology ‘s “sparkling” recipe ( ) and decided to give it a twist and try to “marry” it with one drop of our oregano essential oil.

It took only a few minutes of whisking the egg yolk and the mustard, while slowly adding olive oil, then lemon juice, then the rest of the olive oil (where of course we had added the drop of our essential oil) and there it was, smooth and sparkling!

The intense taste of our oregano essential oil spiced up the full, creamy taste of the fresh homemade mayonnaise (plus oregano essential oil is a natural food preservative: .

Here is the recipe from Oliveology’s blog the way we did it, inspired by our friend:



1 egg yolk

1 tsp mustard

Juice of half a lemon, plus more to taste if needed

250ml of extra virgin olive oil with one drop of our oregano essential oil

salt .


Whisk the egg yolk and the mustard. Slowly add half of your oil (with the oregano essential oil drop), whisking constantly. Add the lemon juice, whisking constantly.


Add the rest of your oil, whisking constantly. Taste and season with salt and more lemon if needed.

Store in the fridge.

If you prefer a more intense aroma, you can add 2 drops of our essential oil.



* A study ( conducted in 2012 identified the use of Oregano Essential Oil like natural antimicrobial able to reduce the Salmonella Enteritidis growth, an enteropathogen associated with food borne disease around the world in products derived from eggs such as mayonnaise.

Reference: Janine Passos Lima da Silva , Bernadette Dora Gombosy de Melo , “Application of Oregano Essential Oil Against Salmonella Enteritidis in Mayonnaise Salad”, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2012, pp. 70-75. doi: 10.5923/
